Up until now it was almost impossible to create reusable components for the Web in a reasonable way. CSS rules and JavaScript variables would always get in their way in large applications. Luckily there is an initiative now to unify techniques to define custom Web Components Using examples we will show in this talk how you can build your own components. We will explain what the Shadow DOM is and will present tools like Polymer and X-Tag. This talk will give an overview of the current state of technology and a forecast of future development.
WebComponents and Polymer
by Hendrik Ebbers at JFocus 2015, jax 2015, Webinale Berlin 2015 and others
Hendrik Ebbers is a co-founder of Karakun AG and worked with us until 2022. He lives in Dortmund, Germany, and is the founder and leader of the Java User Group Dortmund. He gives talks and presentations in user groups and conferences. His JavaFX book "Mastering JavaFX 8 Controls" was released 2014 by Oracle press. Hendrik is JavaOne Rockstar, JSR expert group member and Java Champion.