Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) closes the gap between websites and native applications. They combine the high accessibility of web pages with the open standards of the web in terms of Look and feel (HTML, CSS), search engine optimization (SEO) and functionality (Push API, Notification API), Web Storage API, HTTPS etc.) with properties of native applications. So Progressive Web Apps can work offline (Service Worker API) and be added like a native app to the Home Screen of your device (Web App Manifest). This talk shows how to create a PWA. The focus is on the Service Worker API, which plays a central role for Progressive Web Apps. It will also show how the Web App manifest and which help to realize a PWA.
Progressive Web Apps and the Service Worker API
by Simon Skoczylas at W-JAX 2018, JavaLand 2018, c't <webdev> 2019
Simon Skoczylas is a senior software engineer at Karakun AG, living in Unna, Germany. He is developer since 2001 with focus on JavaScript and Java. Simon gives talks and presentations on conferences. He battled IE6 in the past and is a passionate web developer.