AdoptOpenJDK is the leading provider of OpenJDK™ binaries. With over 170 million downloads in the last year, it is successfully used by many enterprises and ready for your production usage of Java™. AdoptOpenJDK provides prebuilt OpenJDK binaries from a fully open source set of build scripts and infrastructure. This talk will cover how we build on over 15 different platforms, execute over 87 million tests and distribute OpenJDK binaries to millions of users. We will also cover how AdoptOpenJDK binaries compare against the Java binaries that you use today. If you’re curious to understand the difference between OpenJDK, Oracle Java, AdoptOpenJDK and all the other distributions, then this is the talk for you!
AdoptOpenJDK - Making Java free again
by Hendrik Ebbers at Knoxville JUG, JUG Istanbul, Connecticut JUG and others
Hendrik Ebbers is a co-founder of Karakun AG and worked with us until 2022. He lives in Dortmund, Germany, and is the founder and leader of the Java User Group Dortmund. He gives talks and presentations in user groups and conferences. His JavaFX book "Mastering JavaFX 8 Controls" was released 2014 by Oracle press. Hendrik is JavaOne Rockstar, JSR expert group member and Java Champion.