Enterprise solutions are designed to address the multifaceted requirements of businesses and organisations. Compared to solutions designed for consumer use, enterprise solutions typically have a longer development lifecycle and require a higher level of investment. And it is not only the development cycle - enterprise software tends to have a longer lifespan than consumer-facing solutions.

The lifespan of enterprise software can vary considerably, depending on several factors, including the complexity of the solution, the specific requirements of the organisation in question, and the pace of technological advancement. This is partly due to the higher level of investment required, the greater degree of integration with existing systems, and the need for a longer return on investment. Probably a significant amount of development teams will be involved in the software development life cycle (SDLC) of such systems. It can be reasonably assumed that a considerable number of these systems will undergo phases of reengineering, refactoring, or redesign during this period. The process is influenced by the fact that technology is an ever-evolving field, and the tools and solutions that are currently in use may become obsolete soon. The notion that a design solution will remain effective indefinitely is no longer a valid assumption. Consequently, the objective is to develop solutions that can be repeatedly deployed to address evolving issues, becoming progressively more sophisticated, elegant, and intelligent over time.

Choosing the right set of tools or platforms is a critical decision that will have a profound impact on every level of an organisation. The JVM is one of the most robust, dependable, well-maintained, secure and stable platforms for enterprise solutions globally.

Several scientific disciplines have illuminated the complex mechanisms underlying the evolution, adaptation, and healing of biological systems, enabling organisms to not only survive but also to flourish, with life spans that greatly exceed those of humans. These solutions from a distant past demonstrate the value of celebrating, understanding, and appreciating the past as a foundation for future progress. It is a challenging task to advance rapidly and not be tempted by the hubris of complete disruption to move forward. It is essential to strive for strategic improvement and change, with a cautious understanding of potential consequences and a commitment to building something better in their place.

It is not enough for us as professionals engaged in developing systems and structures to merely create solutions that enhance the quality of human life. Rather, we should focus on designing for the well-being of the whole environment. Resources are finite! In this era of rapid change, our solutions must be constantly up to date with the significant changes taking place in our world.

We have a duty and a responsibility to deliver and maintain applications with higher levels of usability and sustainability. We should ask big questions such as: what are the long-term implications of our decisions?

Designing long-lasting systems requires a thoughtful approach incorporating golden principles and powerful tools.

The Java development team has adopted a strategy that integrates proven principles, thereby facilitating the evolution of the Java platform and the creation of innovative features. Furthermore, the team has adapted and delivered new features that enable developers to address present challenges, establish a robust foundation for the future, and provide a long-lasting platform that allows critical applications with a long lifespan to be in production today and in the future.

Maintaining and evolving the JVM and the Java language often requires implementing breakthrough features that significantly improve performance or security. The key is to communicate these changes effectively and ensure that users understand the trade-offs involved in adopting new versions. By doing so, the Java team can foster a culture that embraces change rather than resists it, encouraging organizations to try new features and take advantage of the improvements in performance, security, or footprint.

The Java programming language has undergone significant changes before September 2017, but introducing a regular release cadence encourages developers to adopt new practices and tools. By releasing a version every six months, developers can access new features and improvements more frequently. By committing to a predictable schedule, Java has mitigated the risks associated with long periods of stagnation, enabling teams to innovate continuously.

In my opinion, the most remarkable features present on each LTS version released since Java 8 are as follows:

Java 8: The Functional Push

Java 11: Modernization and Efficiency

  • The HTTP client API provided a streamlined and modern way to interact with Web services. JEP 321: HTTP Client API

  • Removing obsolete modules like Java EE and CORBA streamlined the JDK making it more efficient and less prone to compatibility issues. JEP 320: Remove the Java EE and CORBA Modules

  • The Java Flight Recorder (JFR) captures a wide range of events from the JVM, including memory usage, CPU activity, thread states, and garbage collection events. This comprehensive data collection helps developers diagnose issues and optimize application performance. JEP 328: Flight Recorder

  • Garbage Collector (GC) improvements were added including the introduction of the Z Garbage Collector, which optimizes memory management and reduces pause times. ZGC is designed to handle large heaps (up to several terabytes) while maintaining low pause times, typically under 10 milliseconds. This makes it suitable for applications requiring high responsiveness. [Performance Enhancements] JEP 333: ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector

  • Added var keyword for local variable type inference. This feature enhances code readability, especially in cases where the type is obvious from the context such as with collections or complex types. [Modern Language Features] JEP 286: Local-Variable Type Inference

Java 17: Enhancing Security and Performance

Java 21: The current Java LTS

Java 23 ( No LTS)

  • Primitive Pattern MatchingJEP 455: Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Preview)
    This feature facilitates enhanced pattern matching by enabling developers to utilise primitive types in all pattern contexts. This results in a more straightforward and secure code when working with patterns.

  • The incorporation of Markdown support within JavaDoc – JEP 467: Markdown Documentation Comments. Java 23 introduces support for Markdown in JavaDoc comments, thereby facilitating the production of more readable and easier-to-write documentation. This enables developers to utilise Markdown syntax for formatting, thereby enhancing the overall documentation experience.

  • The Class-File APIJEP 466: Class-File API (Second Preview). The new Class-File API standardises access to Java class files, thereby facilitating the reading, modification and creation of class files at the programmatic level. This is particularly beneficial for tools and libraries that require the manipulation of bytecode.

  • Scoped ValuesJEP 481: Scoped Values (Third Preview). Building on the scoped values introduced in earlier versions, this JEP refines the application programming interface (API) for sharing immutable data across methods and threads, thereby promoting more effective data management practices in concurrent applications.

In this article, I’m excited to give you an overview of the enterprise software landscape and showcase why the evolution of the Java platform makes the JVM such a powerful and useful technology. It looks at the key considerations and advancements that have shaped the development and longevity of enterprise-level solutions. There are five main things to take away from this article:

  • Enterprise solutions have a longer development lifecycle, higher investment, and longer lifespan than consumer solutions. This often requires reengineering and adaptation to evolving technology, which is a fantastic opportunity for developers to really add value and make a real long-term impact.

  • The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a robust and secure platform for enterprise solutions. It’s a great foundation for powerful and reliable software.

  • Java has undergone significant improvements with each Long-Term Support (LTS) release, introducing features like functional programming, security enhancements, performance optimisations, and modern language features;

  • The Java team has adopted an impressive strategy of integrating proven principles and delivering new features to address current challenges and establish a robust foundation for the future;

  • The regular release cadence encourages developers to continuously adopt new practices and tools, mitigating the risks of long periods of stagnation.

Sharing your thoughts!

What do you think about the importance of backward compatibility? Java being 30 years old? The future of Enterprise software? I would love to discuss this with you. Contact me via social media.